• Resolved FREEZhao


    I want to show the statistic result by number and percentage.

    For example:

    option 1: 100 selector, 50%

    option 2: 25 selector, 12.5%

    option 3: 75 selector, 37.5%

    I make a screenshot sample for that, it may can express more percisely.

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  • Plugin Author methnen


    So this is probably doable in Chart.js especially with the datalabels plugin which is being used for the labels as they currently exist but it’s definitely out of scope with the core functionality that I’m intending to provide with the plugin.

    Similarly to your question about the padding. You’re gonna want to look at the Chart.js docs and then determine how you’ll apply your custom settings to achieve what you want.

    Thread Starter FREEZhao


    Thanks @methnen

    A brand new erea to me, I will take a time for that later.

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