• Hi there,

    I’m looking to figure out how to call out the 5th most recent post in a category which has its own unique loop so that I can apply a different CSS id to it. essentially, i have five boxes in a horizontal row and the fifth one has padding on the opposite side of the others so that they span across the width of the body of the site and there are only margins on the insides. (here’s the mock for an idea: http://www.iipause.com/mock)

    Basically, I want to say in the loop, “if the current post being displayed is the 5th most recent post, echo these unique results”

    Anyone know how to accomplish this ?

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  • Thread Starter rvreeland


    nevermind! figured it out.

    put $loopcounter++; in the loop and then made an if statement for the when the loop hit the 5th time.

    😀 nothing like being a newb and figuring stuff out.

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