• Has anyone fixed the calendar grid overflow issue?
    Since version 6, the grid overflows right and bottom of the calendar block.
    On both the full and short calendar, the base resizes but leaves the grid and content behind, rendering any page displaying the calendar – useless.
    Even the new sample on: https://demo.wp-events-plugin.com/calendar/ exhibits this error. We were very happy with the plugin before this version – it just worked! Now we cannot use it. Help please – anyone?

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  • Hi,

    This seems to be an issue in Chrome but Firefox is fine.
    I agree that this unusable until this issue is fixed.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter sjnott


    It appears to be more than Chrome, I experience it in Microsoft Edge and also Safari on my Iphone. Have had to find another plugin for now. Also had an issue when trying to change the calendar page using elementor. Cannot alter the styling or content – once it has been published, then no matter what else is on the page, the calendar forces any other element on the page to be disregarded. Nothing else will show. Have regrettably had to find another solution.

    Plugin Author Marcus


    Hello, for some odd reason I could not reproduce this until I restarted my computer… strange!

    Anyway, managed to reproduce this and fixed the problem in the latest dev version, you can update to the dev version as per these instructions.

    We’ll release an update in the coming days hopefully and it’ll be included.

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