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  • Thread Starter mhairilongmuir


    Or can I use a hidden field and entry_ID for this? I don’t see any documentation on how to use it.

    If this isn’t currently possible, will it be possible to have it developed with a support ticket?

    Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    Thread Starter mhairilongmuir


    Oh great, thanks.

    Sorry, I’ve never used a plugin downloaded from GitHub before, do I just ‘download zip’ and then upload it the same as normal plugins? I don’t see any instructions.

    Thanks again

    Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    in this case, yes that will work fine.

    Thread Starter mhairilongmuir


    Apologies for the basic questions, but how do I get it working?

    I installed the plugin (but didn’t see anything new appear in the navigation after that, so I’m not sure if there are settings for it?), then did another test on the form, but there was no output on the results.


    Plugin Contributor David Cramer


    So sorry.
    It’s a form processor.
    So once activated, edit the form you want the code generated for.

    Then go to the processors tab and click Add Processor.

    In the modal, that pops up, you’ll see the processor Keygen Click Use Processor and the processor will be added to the page.

    You will then see the config panel with Name and Pattern. Give it a name to remember what its for. Something like Entry Key or what ever you want.

    The pattern is the the format of the unique code. the asterisk * is randomly a letter or number, an ‘a’ is a letter and a ‘9’ is a number so,
    if the pattern is ***-a-9 then the unique code would be something like a81-u-2 or 3pq-d-8.

    Now if you want the code used in a field, you can add a hidden field and set the value to {keygen:key} this field, on submit will then use the key generated by the processor.

    Thread Starter mhairilongmuir


    Thank you very much for the instructions. I tlooks like it’s generating random numbers, is it possible to change these to be incremental? (After this is done, I’m good to go!!!!)

    Many thanks

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