• Resolved wordna


    Does this plugin add Max/Min functionality specifically to Number fields or also Product Fields?

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  • Plugin Author George Mandis


    Hi @wordna,

    This plugin only add the MIN/MAX functions to Number fields. Checking the “Enable Calculation” checkbox is a requirement and I’m pretty sure you can only do that with Number fields.

    If there is another plugin out there was always for enabling calculations on any of the pricing fields then I think this plugin should work. I’m not sure such a plugin exists however.


    Thread Starter wordna


    Yes, the Product Field has a “Calculation” option.

    From https://docs.gravityforms.com/using-calculations/ : “When using a Number field with calculation enabled or a Product field set to Calculation type, you are able to easily perform calculations.”

    Plugin Author George Mandis


    Oh! I didn’t realize there was a “Calculation” option.

    I tested it just now and it looks like MIN/MAX also works with the Product field when set to Calculation type. That’s good to know!

    Thread Starter wordna


    Thank you.

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