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  • Plugin Author owaisalam


    Our Breeze system clears the cache during manual updates. Our engineering team is actively working on the scenario you discussed, and we are committed to finding a solution. We anticipate resolving this issue and implementing the fix in our upcoming software releases. Your feedback is invaluable, and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve our system.

    Thread Starter strid3r


    The problem is that theming/css breaks when when plugins and themes are automatically updated but the cache is not cleared. Is there code that we can use in the meantime to prevent this from happening?

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter strid3r


    It appears other people are having same issue =

    Plugin Author owaisalam


    As I mentioned earlier, our engineering team is actively working on the scenario you discussed, and we are committed to finding a comprehensive solution. We understand the importance of resolving this issue promptly and appreciate your patience.

    In the meantime, you can clear the cache using the following filter. This may help alleviate some of the immediate issues you’re experiencing


    Thread Starter strid3r


    Thank you. How do you implement that filter?

    Plugin Author owaisalam


    There are multiple ways to use it. For example, you can create a hook that counts the plugins prepared for bulk update and only runs an action when all are done updating.

    The hook mentioned above runs every time a plugin is updated. If you are confused about how to implement this, do not worry; we will provide a solution in our upcoming releases.

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