• Are there known issues with this plugin and caching solutions such as W3 Total Cache?

    When logged in, with the CDN disabled for administrators, everything works as expected.

    However, when logged out I’m often seeing the default text instead of my text customizations, but not every time. After voting and being presented with the feedback form, if I refresh the page before submitting the feedback form, I’m able to vote again. Neither of these issues are reproducible when logged in.

    I can’t think what else would cause this inconsistency other than some caching issue.

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  • Plugin Author Pixelbart



    Hello! I think there is a problem with the cache and miniaturization of Javascript. Helpful uses Ajax after sending a voice to display the content. When the cache stores Ajax requests in the cache, the same text is always shown.

    This is a problem I cannot fix. Also WP Rocket and WordPress installations at Cloudflare have this problem, unfortunately.

    If somebody has an idea how I can solve this problem, please contact me. At the moment I can’t think of anything.

    Related: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/not-working-with-wp-rocket-and-cloudflare-business/

    Thread Starter Josh88


    Thanks for the quick response.

    I’ve tried ignoring {plugins_dir}/helpful/core/assets/js/* from the CDN, as well as disabling the Enable caching for wp-admin requests option since that would potentially include Ajax requests, though neither of those seem to have resolved it.

    I’ll continue experimenting with it and let you know if I’m able to find a solution.

    Plugin Author Pixelbart



    Helpful works with the WordPress Ajax requests. You may be able to enter the URL and solve the problem: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php

    Unfortunately I can not guarantee that. I don’t use cache on my pages (I never have problems with page speed) and others seem to have not the same problems.

    Thank you for your cooperation! If you find something, I would take care of it and see if I can do something. Unfortunately I couldn’t think of anything at that time.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Pixelbart.
    Thread Starter Josh88


    It is set to ignore wp-.*\.php by default, which should cover Ajax requests. I’ve tried explicitly adding the URL just to be safe, doesn’t seem to have solved it though.

    Thanks again, will update you if I find anything.

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