• Resolved Steven


    There are a couple things the way this block is setup don’t quite make sense. Button Type allows you to select either Link or <button> option. With the later option, I can’t find a way to link the button. Understand that you call it the Button option instead of Link. What’s the purpose of the button if you can assign link to it? It makes more sense to label the dropdown options as Button Tag – that is, you either have the <a> or <button> tag in your HTML. For accessibility standard purpose, if it looks like a button, it should have the <button> tag. With either type, there should be a link option.

    Thank you.

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  • Plugin Support ying


    Hi @skylabb ,

    The <button> element in HTML is typically used to create interactive controls that perform actions or trigger events within a web page, and it does not inherently contain a link (i.e., an <a> element with an href attribute). The primary purpose of a <button> element is to handle user actions such as form submissions, modal opening, JavaScript function execution, or any other action that should occur within the current page.

    Have an <a> element with href attribute nested within a <button> is not common.

    Thread Starter Steven


    Thanks for the response, Ying.

    What you’re saying for technical intent of the button tag, it makes sense. So I’m just sticking with <a> tag to create link button even though it looks like a button, confusing enough. 🙂

    Plugin Support ying


    You are welcome, I totally understand the confusion 🙂

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