• Resolved pogotime


    When I try to Bulk print all DHl Paket Lables (i created a custom filter for that)

    I get the error message:
    “Order #2511: Could not create label – Das angegebene Produkt ist nicht bekannt.”

    Already done checking:
    Checked Absendereferenz EKP
    Checked : “DHL Products and Participation Number”

    I actually don’t know how the Bulk creating process decides which Product I want to bulk print. As far as I know it only can print “one of a kind” in terms of Lables ( so no mixing of Warenpost and DHL Paket e.g.)

    We have 4 Different Products we use: Warenpost nat (1) and int. (2) / and DHL Paket nat (3) and int (4) – for all thise Products i created a filter in the Order View (since the bulk AFAIK can only bulk print one kind)

    Any tips or Suggestions to this problem ?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by pogotime.
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  • Plugin Author Shadi Manna


    Are you saying you created added a filter to modify the DHL product passed to the DHL API?

    Thread Starter pogotime


    No but i think i have figured it out.

    The Bulk Print alwys takes the Default from the DHL Plugin Settings

    So the “Workaround” is, to manually change alwys the Default Settings to the Product i am going to print. This is kind of annoying….but maybe i will customize it, so that every Shipping Filter i have already implemented will change the Default Settings on the Fly.

    Plugin Author Shadi Manna


    Yes correct, the bulk print takes the default from the DHL Plugin Settings.

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