• Resolved Chigolo


    There a many bugs after the update to WP 5.6 with the visuals. No icons, strange colours and tables …. Hope to get an update of the plugin soon.

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  • Thread Starter Chigolo


    ONe more thing: The button in the editor isn’t there anymore….

    I also missing the button in editor menu since using WordPress 5.6.

    Will there be any updates for the plugin?

    Same here. Button in editor toolbar is missing 🙁

    AddQuicktag doesn’t seem to work properly with WordPress 5.6 and its new jQuery version. Activated jQuery Migrate Helper Plugin (Legacy 1.12.4-wp) as a temporarily fix.

    Are there any news if AddQuicktag is even in active development? It’s been a while since last update.

    It seems to be a problem in firefox and new wordpress. I had problems with other plugins too with wordpress 5.6 and firefox. I now user Chrome and Chromium without problems and AddQuicktag button is there too 🙂

    Thread Starter Chigolo


    Th for the info. But it’s sad if you got a few pages and all the datas in FF 😉 … SHould be also working here, hope there will be an update soon.

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    I have tested the plugin in WP 5.5, works really well. If you use Gutenberg editor, you will see the Quicktags only inside the Classic Block.

    The test in WP 5.7-beta has also no errors. Maybe you will describe your problem more deeply. Look also inside the console of your browser, F12, and Tab ‘Console’ for error messages in context `addquicktag.

    WP 5.5 Chrome
    I usually work in an classic editor, and when a button comes out, it disappears.
    I don’t say anything about the beta version. What is she doing here?

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    The 5.7-beta is my dev environment because I develop on the last current status of the Core. I talk about this problem also in this issue https://github.com/bueltge/addquicktag/issues/48
    Maybe it is easier to leave a hint, comments, and screenshots/casts for me.

    In this case of problem, it is obvious to look at the changes of the jQuery changes in the WP core. But these changes are also still in the current dev version 5.7*.

    Please try also to install the jQuery Migrate plugin, maybe this helps? https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-jquery-migrate-helper/



    My Quicktags dropdown in the classic editor disappeared after updating to WP 5.6. I tried disabling all plugins on a staging site to see if a plugin was responsible (it has happened before) but that did not help. I installed the jQuery Migrate plugin and that did not help.

    I am using Chrome, not Firefox, so I don’t think it’s a Firefox issue.

    I’ll post in the github thread in case that helps. I really love this plugin and use it all the time, so I hope this can be fixed.

    Same issue here. Classic Editor in WordPress 5.6.2 and not more QuickTags in the editor

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Der-Bank-Blog.

    Same issue still in WordPress 5.7
    No more AddQuicktag dropdown in editor. Tested in latest Firefox, Chrome and Safari.

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    The communication for this problem is more on the development space, please look here https://github.com/bueltge/addquicktag/issues/48

    It would be great if you will test them and send your feedback on the issue.

    Plugin Author Frank Bueltge


    After several updates and changes, the new version is live and should fix this problem.

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