• andreios


    When I use a table and try to change the height of any row, the height of the tr tag is incorrect.

    This is what I have before changing the height

    <tr style="height: 1052px;">
    <td style="height: 1053px;">

    This is what I got after dragging the line with mouse

    <tr style="height: 1052px;">
    <td style="height: 850px;">

    This is what I would expect

    <tr style="height: 850px;">
    <td style="height: 850px;">

    I have to change it in text view to make the change visible in front end.

    • This topic was modified 3 months ago by andreios.
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  • Moderator Felipe Santos


    Hi there,

    If I understood correctly, it doesn’t reflect the site you got while dragging the table?

    The Classic Editor plugin mostly enables the native classic editor and doesn’t have specific additional code.

    If the Classic Editor doesn’t work as expected for you, my recommendation is to migrate already to the block editor by deactivating this plugin.

    As an alternative, you can try to force with custom CSS.

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