• Resolved naeal


    First off, thanks devs for providing this plugin, it really has a lot to offer.

    I am currently trying to set up a horizontal timeline. My first issue is that the plugin does not seem to allow setting different numbers of slides according to device type; there is only one text box “Slides to Show” to define the number of items shown and that number apparently applies to desktop, tablet and mobile if I am not mistaken.

    I tried to work around that by duplicating the Story Timeline widget twice and then setting only one of the widgets visible for desktop, tablet and mobile each. While this worked well for the desktop and tablet version of the webpage, it did not work for mobile. For some reason, no matter what number I put in the “Slides to Show” text box, on mobile the widget will always show exactly 3 slides.

    Using plugin version 1.3.4 on WordPress 5.8.3. Thanks for your help.

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  • Plugin Support Jyoti Bhandari


    Hi @naeal,

    Please share your timeline page URL.


    Thread Starter naeal



    the site is still being built and hence is locked behind a maintenance page.

    I provided you with subscriber level access to view the page in question via the contact form on your webpage at https://coolplugins.net/contact-us/.

    Thread Starter naeal


    Update on my issue: the coolplugins support team worked out with me that the issue came from a conflict with the section swipe widget in the HT Mega plugin. My support contact was so kind to notify the developers there and the conflict is now resolved.


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