• Resolved johnnyj56


    In staging I applied BuddyBoss 3 latest updates to BB Main Theme, BB Platform, BB Platform Pro. I applied all 3 updates and then applied WP Hide Login update

    I then used a separate incognito browser window to login to the staging

    The site loads ok but upon login I can confirm that from either front end or back end login generates a critical error message on the /wp-login.php page which disables any attempt to login. As nyhadna mentioned in another thread “locked out”. The staging site generates the error

    I then deactivate WPS Hide Login and refreshed the site and it reappeared as logged in.

    But whilst WPS Hide Login is deactivated now the staging site shows 404 page when logging out.

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  • MaxByer


    Same issue here, I have BuddyBoss Pro and I cannot update to the latest version, I’m stuck on version

    To solve not logging in I have to go to cPanel, delete WP Hide Login, refresh then login, and install older version of WP Hide Login.


    Plugin Author NicolasKulka


    Can you send me the list of buddyboss theme names as well as the list of relevant plugins other than plugins/buddyboss-platform



    I have your plugin on over 50 websites and when upgraded no issues, except the one that has BuddyBoss Platform Version 2.6.40 and BuddyBoss Platform Pro Version 2.5.50.

    It’s not related to other plugins, the issue is your plugin, we are all waiting for a fix.

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    WPS Hide Login


    Thank you!

    I hope I’m allowed to respond and confirm that is also working for me. Thank you!

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