• Hi! On both the websites I’m using Translatepress (free) the language switcher, which used to show the opposite language in their native language it now simply says the text “opposite language” in the menu. How do I fix this?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello, we are also experiencing this problem after the latest update of translate press. The short language names and flags appear, but when Full Language is selected in settings the text now says “Opposite Language”.

    Thread Starter jonathanaug


    It’s really strange. Did you manage to find a solution?

    Plugin Support Anca



    We know about the issue. It was reported to our dev team and my colleagues will try to sort this out as soon as possible and release a fix (probably in the next plugin update).

    Meanwhile, you can switch to a non Full Language Name option for your Menu Language Switcher in TP Settings –> General tab –> Language Switcher section and it should appear correctly

    I will let you know when the fix is available.

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter jonathanaug


    @ancavictoria Okay, thank you! I’m using english and swedish, but I don’t think the short name for swedish looks very good, it’s SV_SE, could i change this?

    The locale code for Swedish as spoken in Sweden, according to web standards, is “sv_SE” (in some cases written as “sv-SE”).
    But I’ve seen many cases where they just use “SWE” or “SE” as user-facing abbreviations. Note, however, that “se” is the language code for Norther Sami, strictly speaking.

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