• After activating the plugin, the SliderRevolution instance at the top of my home page vanished, along with the site’s header. Everything after that was expanded to full width instead of being limited in width.


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  • Plugin Author Antonio Leutsch


    Hi @ssavitzky ,

    maybe i can help you with your problem. Could you open a ticket, or list me the other plugins you are using?

    Thread Starter ssavitzky


    Hi @antonioleutsch,

    The plugins it’s most likely to be interacting badly with are Slider Revolution — the only one I know for sure wasn’t working — and possibly Local Google Fonts. It might also be interacting with some of the custom theme hacks our designer put in (the base theme is Woodmark), or WPBakery. But the site is getting a major overhaul over the next month, and I’ll be eliminating the slider (which is causing performance problems) and switching to a block theme and the Gutenberg editor.

    Local Google Fonts appears to be working correctly and caching all of the fonts locally, which is what I really need. I don’t think it would work with Bunny Fonts, but that might be worth your while to check.

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