• mliam


    I’m currently using the (cbOne 1.0.2 by Christopher Bergmann) theme, but for some reason i can’t remove the borders or for that matter even find the borders in the css. My blog is http://www.sketchygrid.com, an example of the problem is that the header is supposed to stretch all the way across the page. Can someone give me a hand. thx

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  • Thread Starter mliam


    bump, i really need this fixed now

    Clayton James


    i can’t remove the borders or for that matter even find the borders in the css.

    I see border color #ccc mentioned in your css several times.

    an example of the problem is that the header is supposed to stretch all the way across the page.

    A) Your header does go all the way across the page

    B) how is that relative to your border problem?

    Your navigation menu in the header looks like crap in firefox. Looks great in IE. Increase your nav width to 450.



    Can anyone tell me how to change the hyperlink color as it appears next to ordinary text?



    Difficult with a link to your site. However most themes have a “post” div class which all posts are wrapped in. Therefore adding this to the bottom of your style sheet should do the trick:

    .post a {
      color: #000000;
      text-decoration: none;

    This will make all links in a post black with no underline. Change the hex code to a colour to suite your needs.



    The side tabs how do i change the colors and also I would like to add navigation at the top of my site but there is no option for that how would I do that? I don’t see how people would be able to return back to the home page of the bog with out the navi for the CBone.

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