• kjagen


    What code can I use to have border on img`s in the main area and not on those in the sidebars?

    By the way; what does img sided means?

    img {float:left}
    img {
    border: #999999 1px;
    border:1px solid #666666;
    img.sided {
    	border:1px solid #555555;
    small {
    a:hover img.sided {
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  • esmi


    Easy bit first…

    what does img sided means

    It just means that your theme uses the class “sided” on some images so that they can be styled independently.

    What code can I use to have border on img`s in the main area and not on those in the sidebars?

    Depends on the class/id of your theme’s main posting area. Assuming your theme uses the default class of “post”, it would be something like:

    .post img {border:1px solid #000;}

    Thread Starter kjagen


    Great!! you help alot

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