• I noticed that I do not see the newest blog posts on my website on all devices ..

    On chrome browser for my phone or Chromebook or pc I see the latest posts

    On IE at work or home I see October 23 and I have a feeling anyone here that goes to http://www.rcottawa.com will see the last post is October 23.. There are three other posts the last one being January 27th

    I have wp super cache running and have deleted cache. Hit cnt-f5 on browsers but still don’t get latest posts in all browsers.

    Any ideas?
    Host is gator host
    Not issues with forums
    Latest updates applied

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • I can see your latest posts if I choose the category “Product Reviews”. It seems you may only have certain categories being displayed on your homepage. This can usually be changed in your theme options. Try looking through your theme documentation to find out how to display all categories on the homepage.

    Your theme has a support forum here at WordPress dot org, but you may also want to request support here.

    Thread Starter TKG26


    lookin into it… thanks..

    Odd thing.. check this:
    type in

    and you see the missing posts in the firts way typed without the www

    Thread Starter TKG26



    Now i have never played with any of these settings so i have no idea why anything ever changed..

    learned a new term. NAKED URL 🙂

    Anyway i went into wordpress dashboard and added www to the url under SETTINGS>GENERAL

    would someone mind checking my site to see if you see the January posts showing up?


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