• Hi,

    I have set the home page as showing the latest posts. I have designed the blog page paolotrulli.com/blog as the main page I want to display. However, when I go to my homepage (paolotrulli.com) it shows me the other design I dont want. I even deleted the homepage but it still defaults to this view.

    How can I use the paolotrulli.com/blog page as my main “homepage view”?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Jahid


    Hi @ptrulli To set a specific page (in your case, the page you’ve designed as paolotrulli.com/blog) as your homepage in WordPress, follow these steps:Step-by-Step Guide:

    1. Create or Identify Your Blog Page:
      • Ensure the page paolotrulli.com/blog is published and designed as you desire.
    2. Set the Blog Page as Your Static Front Page:
      • Go to your WordPress Dashboard.
      • Navigate to Settings > Reading.
      • Under the “Your homepage displays” section, select the “A static page (select below)” option.
      • In the “Homepage” dropdown, select your blog page (Blog).
    3. Assign a Page for Blog Posts (if needed):
      • If you also want a separate page to list your latest posts (other than the homepage), create a new blank page (e.g., name it “Latest Posts”).
      • In the same Settings > Reading section, select this new page from the “Posts page” dropdown.
    4. Save Changes:
      • Click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the Reading Settings page.

    Verifying Your Setup:

    1. Check the Homepage:
      • Visit your site at paolotrulli.com and verify that it now displays the content from paolotrulli.com/blog.
    2. Check the Posts Page (if set):
      • If you assigned a different page for blog posts, visit that page to ensure your latest posts are displayed correctly.


    • Cache Issues:
      • Clear your browser cache to ensure you’re seeing the latest version of your site.
      • If you’re using a caching plugin, clear the cache within the plugin settings.
    • Permalink Settings:
      • Sometimes permalink settings can cause issues. Go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes without altering anything to refresh the permalink structure.
    • Theme or Plugin Conflicts:
      • Ensure that no theme or plugin is overriding the homepage setting. Temporarily switch to a default theme (like Twenty Twenty-One) and deactivate all plugins to see if the issue persists.

    By following these steps, you should be able to set paolotrulli.com/blog as your homepage and have it display as intended when visitors go to paolotrulli.com. If you encounter any issues, please provide more details, and I can assist further.

    Hi @ptrulli,

    If you follow the steps shared by @jahidhasan018 above, all should work as you expected. If it still doesn’t work for you, please share with us a screenshot showing the Settings > Reading section.

    Jahid, thank you for sharing such a detail step in a good-looking format!

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

    Thread Starter ptrulli


    Thanks everyone. I currently have it setup as homepage static, posts page as the /blog.

    I want only to display the posts on my homepage, which I understand how to achieve. The issue if I set it up with the homepage to display the latest posts, it displays the /blog UI layout which I dont want to happen.

    My issue and question is, how can I have my current homepage UI design persist over the blog when changing the homepage to display?

    Homepage UI – Current and want to retain https://imgur.com/a/9ilVGdQ

    If I set up the Homepage “to display latest posts” https://imgur.com/a/mzGFzir the UI I dont want persists.

    Hi @ptrulli,

    Actually, it is the expected behavior rather than an issue. If you don’t have a static page as the Homepage, then your Homepage will show the list of the posts. This is the default behavior of WordPress. When the Homepage shows the list of the post, it will behave as the Blog post page that will inherit the settings from the Customizer > Blog > Blog / Archive.

    I hope that clarifies and clears any confusion you may have.

    Let us know if you need more help, otherwise please mark the topic as Resolved.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

    Thread Starter ptrulli


    @bsfherman ,

    Yes, I understand the behaviour and how it works. However, when I set the homepage as display recent posts, it changes the UI to one I don’t want… the question is how can I override that behaviour to dispaly the UI I want?

    Hi @ptrulli,

    You might want to do something like I did in this rough video.

    I hope it will help.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

    Thread Starter ptrulli


    @bsfherman thanks! Are you using a paid version of Astra as some of the options I don’t have available? Such as making the “read more” into a button.

    Hi @ptrulli,

    You were right 🤦‍♂️

    I was using my dev site that has Astra Pro plugin installed. I didn’t realize it until I watch the video again. I am sorry.

    Anyway, at least the video showing the thing that I would like to tell you. You can style the Blog page, in your case it’s also the frontpage, from the section that is seen in the video.

    Kind regards,
    Herman 😊

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