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  • Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    It could be that there is a JavaScript error on the page. You can check by logging in to WordPress (so the chat form is displayed), visit the page on the front end, and open the browser’s code inspector. Under the “Console” tab will show any errors and more.

    Thread Starter bones196


    I seemed to have found this error.

    “The label’s for attribute doesn’t match any element id. This might prevent the browser from correctly autofilling the form and accessibility tools from working correctly.

    To fix this issue, make sure the label’s for attribute references the correct id of a form field.”

    form#sac-form fieldset label, form#sac-form fieldset input, form#sac-form fieldset textarea {
        float: left;
        clear: both;
        width: 94%;
        margin: 0 0 2px 0;
        font-size: 14px;

    Would this be the problem?



    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    Good catch but no, that issue is spec-related and more superficial. It would not prevent people from logging in or change how the form works in general.

    So if there are no JavaScript errors showing, another thing to check is if there is interference from any other plugins. A quick way to check is to temporarily disable all other plugins and try again to see if the issue still occurs. I would be glad to provide a guide for this process, if it might be useful for you.

    Thread Starter bones196


    Well that done it. Speedy Cache was conflicting with it.Tthe moment I disactivated it, it worked.

    Now i have to sit here and like a knob and feel guitly for writing that kinda bad review.

    Sometimes I should think before I open my trap!

    Thanks for everything Mr Starr. And thanks for being so patient.


    Plugin Author Jeff Starr


    Ok nice work figuring it out. Glad you got it sorted.

    And yes please, if you will update your review it would be super appreciated.

    Thanks Tony.

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