• Resolved gifturlo



    Can we block some timeslots at the backend? for e.g. If I want to block 1 booking slot between 2 bookings.

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  • Plugin Author Ankur Chotai



    I am sorry I could not understand your request. Could you please explain a little bit more? It would be great if you could provide some screenshots as well to understand your request better.


    Thread Starter gifturlo



    Sorry for not making it clear.

    I just want to block one slot manually between 2 bookings. For e.g. If I am providing my service from 10:00am-11:00am, 11:30am-12:30pm and 01:00pm-01:30pm. Now If I am not available between 11:30am-12:30pm, can I block this slot manually?

    Plugin Author Ankur Chotai



    You can achieve this with the BookingPress premium version. You can set Special days for this situation in premium version.


    but you dont tell us how

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