• Resolved mintdave



    I would like to change the paragraph settings for regular body text, so that there is a bigger space between paragraphs when i hit ‘enter’, when typing up a page or post.

    Is there a Dashboard setting, or custom css, that would allow me to increase the spacing between paragraphs? Thanks!

    biblicalmedia.com / Virtue ‘free’

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  • Hey,
    You can add this css:

    p {

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter mintdave


    Great – thank you!

    1. Related to that, what css code would I use to increase the space between post/page content and the sidebar (to give it more padding).

    2. Also, same question about increasing the space between the post details (author/category/# of comments) and the body text?



    @media (min-width: 992px){
        .main.col-lg-9 {padding-right:60px}


    .subhead {
      margin-bottom: 20px;

    Kadence Themes

    Thread Starter mintdave



    Thread Starter mintdave



    Having the same problem: would like to leave a line space betweeen paragraphs in the body text of posts / pages.

    I inserted the above code in the ‘advanced’ section of the theme options dashboard.

    p {

    but no joy. I even changed 25px to 100px to see if that made a difference, but it hasn’t done anything.

    My site is: http://www.teabreakproject.com/who/

    Any suggestions…?

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