• Resolved jclabuschagne1


    I needed to make a new installation of wordpress because my site was hacked, luckily i made a backup of the site with your plugin on december 2022(the site content never changes), i restored that backup, the plugins were restored, and i can see through phpmyadmin and via ftp that the pages and images are restored back, but when i look on the admin side no pages are shown, and and my theme is not customized anymore, its as if the site content is restored, but not loaded, even after numerous refreshes.

    I can see my pages and the text of each page if i use phpmyadmin, and through ftp i can see that all my images are indeed restored, but when on the wordpress backend, only the default pages (sample page and Privacy policy) of a fresh installation of wordpress are shown.

    The plugins i used like elementor, elementor header & footer, and wpforms lite is restored, but its as if its only a fresh installation of these plugins, my content is not there. Like my contact form is not listed, and my theme is also not customised anymore (Astra).

    Even though i can see that the posts i made in elementor is on the database(through phpmyadmin)

    Debug code: BMI-KS1dMXcE-86043

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • jesi707


    Hi, I have the same problem but with different themes and plugins. I can se my content at the server-backend but nothing at wordpress. Only default stuff.

    Plugin Support MixHa


    Hello @jclabuschagne1 ,

    It seems that you restored the backup file on the staging site created by the our plugin, and shared the debug info from that same staging site, instead from the main site, that actually contains the proper logs of how backup file was processed for the restoration.

    Can you please navigate to the plugin section Troubleshooting > Check advanced options and click on the button:
    Share debug info with BackupBliss team

    And here’s a screenshot that shows where to get it: https://prnt.sc/lKbjrSAqQudm

    Please paste the debug code in your reply.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter jclabuschagne1


    Rather safe than sorry, I rather started rebuilding the website from scratch. I couldn’t wait for a response, sorry, but this is a high traffic site, and it needs to work fast again.

    Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @jclabuschagne1 @jesi707

    The issue you described sounds like our plugin was unable to replace $table_prefix in your wp-config.php file to correct one.

    In such case it should be enough to just adjust it manually in wp-config.php to finalize the process and that should bring back media and posts.

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