• Resolved vanessa6297


    I’ve noticed that I’m not being sent a notification email that my backups have been completed. I’ve wiped all settings deactivated the plugin cleared cache and reactivated the plugin but the email notices still aren’t being sent. The back ups are displaying in my cloud storage service.

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  • Plugin Contributor bcrodua



    You can set your email at UpdraftPlus “Settings” tab > show expert settings > email report.

    Kind Regards,


    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    I have that setting checked and the proper email address. I haven’t had an email update since the 26th of November 2023.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Can you post your log using a tools such as pastebin.com so we can see if there is an issue with your backup or just with the email?

    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    I wasn’t able to send it via PasteBin the file was too large. But here is a link from Private Bin


    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Your max execution time is extremely low.

    Can you try adding the following to your wp-config.php


    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    Sorry for the late reply I’ll reach out to my hosting provider and ask for it to be changed.

    Update: I reached out to my hosting provider and they have changed the execution time per your request.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    Can you run another backup and post the log?

    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    The backup is currently being run. I’m waiting for it to finish to see if the email report is sent.

    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    The backup finished but I didn’t have an email sent.

    Plugin Support vupdraft



    Apologies, the email issue we believe is due to a bug that is currently with our development team

    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    Thank you for the update. I won’t worry about it for now. I’ll just double check to make sure my files are listed in my cloud storage.

    I have the same issue with not receiving email notifications after backups are done. I recognized that the “send email” checkbox remains empty, even though I checked and saved the option (I did several times). When I reopen the options page, the checkbox is no longer activated.

    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    @klaushschaefer mine remains active but I just don’t have an email notification sent. When I check where I stored the files they are saved in the proper place.

    Plugin Support vupdraft


    @klaushschaefer – This issue is currently with our development team. We would advise keeping an eye on our changelog for further information. We would hope to have this fixed in the next release.

    @vanessa6297 – can you post your backup log again as this sounds like it could be slightly different?

    Thread Starter vanessa6297


    @vupdraft here is the link


    I had an weekly update being on Sunday 1/15 that seems to have stalled. There haven’t been any changes except for the one that you suggested I do over a week ago.

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