• Resolved dgebel


    Did an update (from version 1.0.8 I think, which worked pretty well) to the latest today. Failed to finish backup. Looked for error logs but didn’t find anything.
    Couldn’t find the backup running it said. Do I need to change something in the php.ini maybe?

    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Initializing backup…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Backup & Migration version: 1.0.9
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Site which will be backed up: https://gilmorejuricicoptometry.com
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] PHP Version: 7.4.15
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Web server: Apache
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Checking if backup dir is writable…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Initializing custom error handler
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Yup it is writable…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] PHP CLI is available – plugin will try to run server script.
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:35] Scanning files…
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Checking free space, reserving…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Requires at least 153190705 bytes. [146.09 MB]
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Disk free space function is not disabled – using…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Checking this path/partition: /home3/ebeltech/backupwordpress//backups
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] There is 285,198.10 MB free. [278.51 GB]
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Great! We have enough space.
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 153190705 bytes
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Scanning done – found 4607 files…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Backup initialized…
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Initializing archiving system…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Archive system initialized…
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Preparing map of files…
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Files prepared.
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Starting compression process…
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Smart memory calculation…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] There is 384 MBs of memory to use
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] WordPress memory limit: 256 MBs
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Setting the safe limit to 86 MB
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Making database backup
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:36] Iterating database…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:37] Database size: 2.75 MB
    [SUCCESS] [2021-02-15 16:55:37] Database backup finished
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:37] Making archive
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:37] Compressing…
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:37] Using PclZip module to create the backup
    [INFO] [2021-02-15 16:55:37] Legacy setting: Using default modules depending on user server
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:37] Running PHP CLI process – it should be confirmed with next messages
    [WARN] [2021-02-15 16:55:40] Could not find any response from the server, trying again in 3 seconds.
    [WARN] [2021-02-15 16:55:43] Still nothing backup probably is not running.
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:43] Reverting backup, removing file…
    [ERROR] [2021-02-15 16:55:43] There was an error during backup…
    [ERROR] [2021-02-15 16:55:43] Backup could not run on your server, please check global logs.
    [STEP] [2021-02-15 16:55:43] Aborting backup…
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2021-02-15 16:55:45
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 10 seconds ago
    [DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2021-02-15 16:55:35

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dgebel.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • Plugin Support backupsupport


    Hi @dgebel

    Could you please:
    Try two different backup techniques (you can find them in „other options” section) at the bottom:

    “Bypass web server timeout directive – backup process may be slower”
    …or “Bypass web server limits – it will disable automatic backup and possibility to run it in the background”
    Don’t forget to save the settings 🙂

    Let me know if any of above settings help you to solve the issue.
    Thank you

    Thread Starter dgebel


    Retried, saved, retried…
    Nope, same results

    Plugin Support backupsupport


    Hi @dgebel

    That’s strange.

    Could you please add this: define('BMI_CLI_ENABLED', false);
    To you wp-config.php (before require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php';)
    Please don’t copy above since WP forum may replace quotes to some other character.

    That should disable CLI handler and the backup should work as before in v1.0.8.
    Also you will need to disable experimental techniques, so set this to:
    Do not change the default plugin functions - it may require to adjust your server for stable backup

    Let me know if that gives you better results 🙂
    Thank you

    Thread Starter dgebel


    Ok, still the same problem. If it matters, I’m on a Bluehost shared host and this is a folder off my html directory, with the particular domain assigned to a subdomain, mapped to the relevant subdirectory.

    Just to be sure I did it right, I typed the following into wp-config.php in the site’s main directory:

    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    	define('BMI_CLI_ENABLED', false);
    	define( 'ABSPATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dgebel.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dgebel.
    Thread Starter dgebel




    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    	define('BMI_CLI_ENABLED', false);
    	define( 'ABSPATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );


    define('BMI_CLI_ENABLED', false);
    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) )
    	define( 'ABSPATH', dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/' );

    That seemed to work quite well.

    The only other issue I encountered is that it still doesn’t transfer the background images from the Hestia theme I’m using.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dgebel.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dgebel.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by dgebel.
    Plugin Support backupsupport


    Hi @dgebel

    Yes the second one, that’s good it’s working for you now 🙂
    We will have a look at your issue with images on Hestia Theme.

    I’ll close this topic now, if you have more questions please open new topic.

    Thank you!

Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • The topic ‘Backup after install of 1.0.9 failed’ is closed to new replies.