• I have a site which contains a lot of posts which in looking to switch themes but when i install a new theme it never looks like the demo.

    Whilst i know there is sometimes demo content to install I’m concerned that it may effect posts and pages already on the site so i was thinking of backing up posts and pages then starting a fresh.

    Does this seem like the best idea or am i going to be doing it the long way round? Hope this makes sence and thanks in advance for any help

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  • Another option may be to setup a temporary test site and experiment with the new theme and demo content until you are comfortable with the new theme.

    But yes, sometimes backing up posts, etc and starting fresh may be the best route 🙂

    Thread Starter unclegusy2k


    That’s what i was thinking, when i install a theme on a test site the home page always looks different to when i put it on mine which is what’s doing my head in hence why i thought just back up and start rebuilding it bit by bit.

    Thanks for the reply

    That’s what i was thinking, when i install a theme on a test site the home page

    Been there…

    Sometimes using a new theme, especially if it’s not by an author you are familiar with, can be like learning how to use the WordPress admin again.

    Sometimes you can import demos and assign all the data to a temp author to make it easy to delete the demo data after getting your site setup the way you like simply by deleting the temp author and choosing to delete the posts created by the temp author as well 🙂

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