• Bit Integrations provides me an easy and effective way of taking newsletter subscribers that fill out my Gravity Form, and posting their info to my email company, Acumbamail. Way better than the method Acumbamail suggested (which doesn’t work and uses a non-supported plugin), or using the Webhooks plugin that Gravity forms provides.

    I wish there was a way to name the integrations (i have a conditional rule for each of several mailing lists), but that’s a wish and not a flaw.

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  • Plugin Support wayes001


    Hello willwenzel,

    Thank you for your valuable feedback. We appreciate your positive experience with Bit Integrations.

    Regarding your suggestion to name the integrations, we want to inform you that you can actually add a name to the integration in the action options. When creating or editing an integration, there is an option to specify a name that suits your needs. This should help you organize and differentiate between various integrations, especially when you have conditional rules for different mailing lists. Please check the screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/XTu3Nhd.png

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