• Resolved wadams92101


    Hi, Your wonderful plugin / widget has been a mainstay of my website for years. I’m trying to upgrade my old genesis child theme to a new genesis html5 theme. When I activate the theme on my site, the avatars display diagonally with author names to right of the avatars (I have names set to display). I’m able to correct this by eliminating “float: left;” in the style.css code below, and by setting display to “block;” However, when I do this, the avatars align in a single column. How do I get them to display side by side again?

    .avatar {
      border-radius: 50%;
      float: left;
    .widget_author_avatars .author-list .with-name {
    	display: block;


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  • Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    My guess is that you need to set the height and width maybe on .avatar this will force the names under the avatar and allow the next one to float in parallel

    Sand us a link if you can’t work it out and I will quick look

    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Paul: Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Unfortunately, that didn’t do it. Can I send you the URL privately?

    BTW, I just figured out it has something to do with the way the names are defined. When I turned them off in the widget, the avatars display correctly. However, when the names are activated in the widget, and then I go to the front end and right-click near the names, it shows a cell or area for the names that spans the entire width of the sidebar / widget display.

    Plugin Author Paul Bearne



    Thread Starter wadams92101


    Hi Paul, not sure what happened to your response. I’d like to send you my URL privately so you can see what I’m talking about. Is it an html5 compatibility problem?

    Plugin Author Paul Bearne


    send to my gmail account


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