• Resolved Javier Casares


    Today I started getting a message saying that the /cache/autoptimize/ folder could not be written to.

    After checking the folder, I had indeed changed the permissions from the usual ones (www-data) to new ones (root).

    I corrected the permissions, deactivated and activated the plugin, and everything was correct. Everything worked correctly until moments later, it changed the permissions again. It only changes the permissions of the Autoptimize folder, the rest of the files and folders remain correctly.

    Any idea why this might be happening?

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  • Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    AO does not explicitly set permissions, but when creating the folders/ files it will use the PHP/ webserver user’s umask (which set the default permissions on the operating system level). The only way I can see AO change permissions is when the wp-content/cache/autoptimize (or folders below it) is removed and AO (through PHP) recreates it. Does that make sense to you in your context somehow?


    Thread Starter Javier Casares


    Yes, it makes sense. I’m using WP-CLI for Crons, and I think may be there the problem with the permissions.

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