• Resolved username201701


    Multiple times recently I have noticed this plugin is deactivating on its own. I’m sure there is another plugin or setting causing this issue, but I have no way to troubleshoot since it happens randomly. Is this common? What settings should I check? Any known plugin incompatibilities? Thank you

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  • Plugin Author GuardGiant brute force protection


    Thanks for getting in touch – this is a very unusual issue. We’ve not had any other reports of this so I agree it could be an incompatibility somewhere.

    The only way I can think of troubleshooting the problem is to re-introduce your plugins one-by-one. i.e. deactivate/remove plugins so you have a clean install and then introduce them back slowly.

    Better still, if you have access to another server you could do this without affecting your main site.

    I hope that helps. Let me know how you get on.

    Thread Starter username201701


    I’ve discovered that it’s being deactivated by Really Simple SSL Pro with the following notice:

    “This is the vulnerability overview. Here you will find current known vulnerabilities on your system.

    GuardGiant Brute Force Protection – November 28, 2023 – medium severity”

    However, no other information is given.

    Thread Starter username201701


    It’s also being flagged by WordFence:

    • The Plugin “GuardGiant Brute Force Protection” has a security vulnerability. Type: Plugin Vulnerable
    • Issue Found December 7, 2023 8:01 am Critical
    Plugin Author GuardGiant brute force protection


    Thanks for flagging this up. We will take a look.

    Plugin Author GuardGiant brute force protection


    This has now been patched so please update the plugin from your dashboard (if auto-update is not enabled).

    Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.

    Thread Starter username201701


    Of course! Thank you for your quick response.

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