• Resolved John Webber



    The stylesheet generateblocks-css does not load on the 404 page template, on the Author archive template, Search results and probably some other templates that can be fond in Full Site Editing themes.

    I haven’t tested everything yet.

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  • Plugin Support fernandoazarcon2


    Hi @bilion,

    Can you try temporarily disabling your caching/optimization plugins?

    If that doesn’t work, can you try regenerating CSS files in GenerateBlocks > Settings?

    If that doesn’t work, try setting the CSS print method to Inline Embedding.

    Kindly let us know how it goes.

    Thread Starter John Webber


    Hi @fernandoazarcon2,

    Thank you for your help.

    I have disabled caching, optimization plugins, code snippets and everything else that was suspicious.

    Tried regenerating CSS files in GenerateBlocks and setting the CSS print method to Inline Embedding.

    Didn’t help.

    So then I tested on my test site – 2test.live
    Same issue.

    Then, I spun up a clean install on WP Taste: 2022 theme and only your plugin.
    Same issue.

    Loads the css on a page: https://multiplyfinger.s2-tastewp.com/page-1/
    (the heading has styling applied)

    Does not load the css on the above mentioned templates:
    (no styling is applied to the heading)

    Another issue that I’ve come across, is that it prints the css in the html, regardless of what is set in the settings. It will not load an external stylesheet.

    I think that the Taste WP site will delete itself in 3 days.

    Plugin Author Tom


    Hi there,

    External CSS files won’t be created on pages that don’t have a page ID – the CSS will load in the <head> instead.

    As for FSE themes, they aren’t compatible with GB quite yet. We have this fixed in GB 1.6.0.

    Let me know if you have any other questions 🙂

    Thread Starter John Webber



    Hi Tom,

    So, by loaded in the <head>, you mean printed inline in the HTML.
    Not optimal. But, I’m sure you would have done it better if there was a way.

    Further questions… Yes I have one.
    Why doesn’t the button block use the <button> tag?

    Thank you for the help ! 🙂

    Plugin Author Tom


    I think when it comes to performance the difference between inline in the head and an external file are very similar. It’s not something we’re too worried about at the moment.

    A button tag option is coming to the block, but it’s only necessary when the Button block is doing something other than going to a link (accordions, tabs, modals etc…). When a button goes to a URL, the a tag is the correct element.

    Hope this helps!

    Thread Starter John Webber


    Yes, very helpful and much appreciated.

    Thank you!

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