• Resolved ramjionline


    I receive authentication error 1000, when i use the below credentials.

    Required for All Web Services
    Developer Test Key: X6zFlwoCJe6udNyX
    Developer Test Password: 42TVZE5nHbYI7nAqMC48od8EV
    Required for FedEx Web Services for Intra Country Shipping in US and Global
    Test Account Number: 510087380
    Test Meter Number: 119012687

    I have kept the “This is a production key” unchecked in the settings page

    Debug log is below

    FedEx REQUEST: Reveal
    [WebAuthenticationDetail] => Array
    [UserCredential] => Array
    [Key] => X6zFlwoCJe6udNyX
    [Password] => 42TVZE5nHbYI7nAqMC48od8EV


    [ClientDetail] => Array
    [AccountNumber] => 510087380
    [MeterNumber] => 119012687

    [TransactionDetail] => Array
    [CustomerTransactionId] => *** WooCommerce Rate Request ***

    [Version] => Array
    [ServiceId] => crs
    [Major] => 22
    [Intermediate] => 0
    [Minor] => 0

    [RequestedShipment] => Array
    [PreferredCurrency] => USD
    [DropoffType] => REGULAR_PICKUP
    [ShipTimestamp] => 2018-03-12T00:00:00+00:00
    [PackagingType] => YOUR_PACKAGING
    [Shipper] => Array
    [Address] => Array
    [PostalCode] => 92078
    [CountryCode] => US


    [ShippingChargesPayment] => Array
    [PaymentType] => SENDER
    [Payor] => Array
    [ResponsibleParty] => Array
    [AccountNumber] => 510087380
    [CountryCode] => US



    [RateRequestTypes] => LIST
    [Recipient] => Array
    [Address] => Array
    [Residential] =>
    [PostalCode] => 92078
    [City] => SAN MARCOS
    [StateOrProvinceCode] => CA
    [CountryCode] => US


    [RequestedPackageLineItems] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [SequenceNumber] => 1
    [GroupNumber] => 1
    [GroupPackageCount] => 1
    [Weight] => Array
    [Value] => 1.87
    [Units] => LB



    [PackageCount] => 1


    FedEx RESPONSE: Reveal
    stdClass Object
    [HighestSeverity] => ERROR
    [Notifications] => stdClass Object
    [Severity] => ERROR
    [Source] => prof
    [Code] => 1000
    [Message] => Authentication Failed

    [TransactionDetail] => stdClass Object
    [CustomerTransactionId] => *** WooCommerce Rate Request ***

    [Version] => stdClass Object
    [ServiceId] => crs
    [Major] => 22
    [Intermediate] => 0
    [Minor] => 0


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  • Hi Ramjionline,

    The details provided by you are incorrect. I checked with these in my website and suspect that in most probability the account number details may have been mixed up between test and live credentials. Kindly check that.

    If that does not work, then we request you to approach FedEx team once with all the 4 details. They will identify the exact field which is causing the problem.

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