• Resolved jyles


    Hi there,

    Could anyone help me with a small issue. I am using WooCommerce for my website but I do not require the e-commerce element. Instead of purchasing online, customers will be filling out a contact form. The issue is I would like to display attribute button images but the title of the image will only display as a tool tip. Does anyone have a workaround to display the title beneath the image at all times?

    Thanks in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Rok Meglič


    Can you please confirm, you would like to add “constant tooltop” beneath the “Login to see the price” button on the page Christmas ornaments #2 – Brollies and Parasols (sg-host.com)?

    Thread Starter jyles


    Hi there,

    Apologies was first description was terrible. I have just added an image of a hexagon to the product page. This is an Avada-image attribute.

    I would like to display the image title or description below the hexagon image. Is this possible?

    Rok Meglič


    You could do jQuery(‘.avada-color-select’).on(‘click’), and then get the value from var hexagonImageValue = jQuery(‘span’).attribute(‘background-color’), which is for example “#136c98” and jQuery(‘#image_title_bellow_hexagonimage’).html(hexagonImageValue).

    P.S: This is just a concept, I did not validate the code. When you will confirm this concept is what you are looking for, we can create a custom JS code that works.

    Thread Starter jyles


    Hi there,

    Please find image above of what I would like to achieve. Would the above code help with this?

    Rok Meglič


    Thinking out load. You could use the href title attribute, which has the Hexagon value in it and create a span under the image. For example, you can see ChatGPT code here – https://chat.openai.com/share/ea1ad49d-8b6c-4186-9ab8-4db6b90feeb6



    Hi there @jyles 👋

    Thanks for reaching out to Woo Support!

    Could anyone help me with a small issue. I am using WooCommerce for my website but I do not require the e-commerce element. Instead of purchasing online, customers will be filling out a contact form. The issue is I would like to display attribute button images but the title of the image will only display as a tool tip. Does anyone have a workaround to display the title beneath the image at all times?

    Please note that, since e-commerce functionality is not required, it is best reaching out to Avada’s support channel (linked here) about this, as they would be in a better position to assist you.

    I hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you have any further questions about this matter, or if we misinterpret your concern in any way. We will be happy to help you further.

    Thread Starter jyles


    thanks for all the advice.

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