• Resolved tagpres


    Hello all,

    I am new to wordpress.I have the last version of wordpress..v3.2.1 and I enable the network feature.It worked.I created a new site like /explore,I even receive an email with the pasword and all because I am the admin. However, when i click on the link of the site ,or the link for the new site dashboard ,Icant have acces I get a 404 error,page not found..

    Did I miss something? Am I supposed to create a new folder on my server/directory ?? Please help?

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  • you dont say if its a sub-domain or tld – but I use domain mapping plugin and many tlds. I have a few times forgot to create alias – this will give you this type of challenge

    Thread Starter tagpres


    it’s a sub-directory i tried to create…I dont understand what you mean by tid????

    Thread Starter tagpres


    tld* or allias* I am using the same domain..but wanted to create a subdirectory with /explore. I went on my super admin ad created the site but none of the link work i cant even get on the dashboard of the new link created….It displays a 404 error

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    🏳️‍🌈 Advisor and Activist

    tld – Top level domain (domain.com)

    Subdomain – subdomain.domain.com

    Subfolder – domain.com/subfolder

    What’s in your .htaccess?

    Thread Starter tagpres


    I just found the solution…when I uploaded the .htaccess it uploaded as htaccess so I had in my FTP one .htaccess the original and one htaccess the one with the right code… so I deleted the original one and renamed the one with the right code and it worked!!!

    It took me 24hours to figure that..frustrating but happy now!

    Thank you.

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