• Resolved stmattko


    Debug Code: wpstg-0KktuAHr-12724

    I am working on a staging site using the theme Astra. They have templates that can be used to design the website that stopped working a few months ago. According to Astra, their theme does not work in a subfolder of the root folder. Starter Templates, a plug in that goes with Astra, is supposed to open up with templates, then connect the site to ZipWP to put the templates into the site. This worked until a few months ago. Now the templates come up blank and I cannot go forward. Any thoughts on how to work through this if it doesn’t work within a subfolder?

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  • Plugin Contributor alaasalama


    Hi @stmattko
    If their support team requires the staging site to be created on a subdomain instead of a subdirectory, then you can do that following this guide (note that it’s a Pro feature), if you want to know more about this feature, feel free to reach out to us via this form.

    Regarding the empty template issue, what happens if you enabled “Disable admin authorization” option under (WP STAGING > Settings), would that work?


    Thread Starter stmattko


    Hi, No, none of that works. I also just tried to use Starter Templates on our live site, but have the same issues. Nothing comes up.

    Plugin Author Rene Hermenau


    Hi @stmattko

    if you have the same issue on the live site it’s obvious a problem with Astra.

    I recommend to activate the debug.log and then check out if there are any errors thrown.

    You can do that for the live and staging site:

    A blank white page usually means there are errors thrown. Activating the debug mode makes those errors visible.

    I also suggest to tell the Astra support that you have the same issue on the live site.

    According to Astra, their theme does not work in a subfolder of the root folder.

    From a technical standpoint, such statement does not make any sense to me. The theme should not be affected by the location of the WordPress website.

    All the best

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