• Hoping to find an eventual fix for this. Right now, when I have WPC Variation Swatches For WooCommerce enabled to display the variation swatches on the archive page, the second image does not display on hover. My theme creator (Kadence) let’s me select how I want the product to display the 2nd item on hover, but while this issue allows the image to still zoon or flip or slide, it does not do so into the 2nd image and just keeps the first one. I hope that a fix for this can come soon!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi @liqhome ,

    I checked your site and saw that when choosing the second or third variation, the zooming effect on the main image was still there. It doesn’t let that on hovering on the swatches, but still does on choosing the swatches and hovering on the image: https://prnt.sc/pLo3KboI0x6f & https://prnt.sc/56FUgMN15ksZ.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter liqhome


    Hi Janilyn,

    Thanks for the response, but it has nothing to do with what my issue is. Yes I see that when you pick any of the colours, the variation appears in the corresponding colour, and I see that when you hover over it, the image zooms in gently. However, the issue is that the way the image is supposed to view is to show the second image within my image gallery upon hovering, and instead, it simply zooms into the image that is already on the screen.

    Can there be a fix for this? Here is a video of what I am referring to when variation swatches is turned off: https://share.zight.com/p9u2Ldvk


    Plugin Support Janilyn T


    Hi @liqhome ,

    When you turn on the swatches for your variations, it’s a selector for the variations. So it only concerns the variation image featured for each variation specifically, not the image gallery for the parent variable product. So that’s why the second image cannot be loaded anymore. Only 1 image will be considered as the featured image for each variation.

    Best regards.

    Thread Starter liqhome


    Thank you for explaining how that works, Janilyn. It at least clarifies that there is no issue because of the plugin. Thanks!

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