• Hi,

    I am concern if there any codex conflict with other plugins such as MailPoet?

    How it works for recipient to reply my email that sent from this plugin?

    Can I receive and read recipient’s reply emails from same admin?

    Please advise. Thanks in advance!

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by cfm168.
Viewing 4 replies - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)
  • Plugin Author kojak711



    No, there will not be any conflicts between this and other plugins. This is a very basic plugin which sends an email to users using the WordPress wp_mail function to send the email.

    The plugin doesn’t show replies. In fact, it doesn’t store any info at all. It simply sends an email using the Email Address in your Settings -> General section as the From address for the sent email, so your relies will be directed to that email inbox.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by kojak711.
    Thread Starter cfm168


    It sounds good. I will use it for sure.

    Any mail templates available?

    Thread Starter cfm168



    Please note that, It shows “Untested with your version of WordPress”.
    Can you please update your plugin?

    Thanks in advance!

    Thread Starter cfm168



    This is definitely a great useful emailing tool plugin.

    How can I save self-created templates for future uses?

    Will appreciate if you can update to current WP version.

    Thanks in advance!

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