• Hi,

    I just set up the Themify Product Filter. The filter consists of PRICE, IN STOCK, ON SALE, MAAT (“size” in Dutch), CATEGORY.

    I have set the logic to AND for everything, including Categories, Maat and “Logical Relationship Between Taxonomies”. The AND logic works for everything except between Maat and the Categories. Maat is created by Woocommerce Attributes.

    To test this you can select a Maat (size) of XL. You should get 2 products, both of which have a size of XL. If you then slide the price to between 41 and 55 euros you get 1 product. This is correct.

    If you then reset the filter and select a Maat of XL again, you get 2 products again, both of which have a size of XL. But if you then select “Grijs” (grey) from the Categories you get 5 products, none of which have a size of XL. This is an incorrect result for the filtering of XL AND Grijs.

    If AND were working correctly, then the “No products available…” message should appear for the filtering of XL AND Grijs.

    Thank you for your help on this.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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