• Resolved javcardenas


    best regard.
    I’ve tried to install this AMP plugin, but I couldn’t get it to display math equations written in HTML. it does not recognize tags such as math, mo, mi, or any other such markup. When it does, it breaks the wordpress editing blocks (for example the custom HTML block) and finally shows nothing when viewing the published post. Is there a way to use the markup math in conjunction with the AMP plugin?
    The site is leerciencia.net although, for now I do not have the plugin activated.
    Thanks for the collaboration!

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by javcardenas.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Milind More


    Hello @javcardenas

    Thank you for contacting us, I will recommend trying the MathML Blocks plugin which is AMP-compatible and should help you add equations

    The AMP uses the amp-mathml component to render the math equations.

    Hope this is helpful!

    Thread Starter javcardenas


    Thanks for the reply.
    I know the MathMl plugin. However, I want to know if it is possible to use HTML Math markup with AMP, because I have several posts with HTML equations and I want to avoid transforming them one by one.
    Thanks again.

    Plugin Support Milind More


    Hello @javcardenas

    Sorry unfortunately It’s not possible to use HTML math markup in AMP, it will be marked as invalid and removed by the AMP plugin.

    This means you have to use MathML.

    Sorry, we can’t be more of assistance on this one!

    Thread Starter javcardenas


    Ok, Thanks!

    Plugin Support Milind More


    @javcardenas Sorry we can’t be more of assitance, I’ll mark this as resolved Open a new support topic if you face further issues, also feel free to leave a plugin review, we would love to hear your feedback.

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