• Hi, I’ve been searching hi and lo for this issue so I thought I’d just post a question in here now. I tried installing the amazon wishlist plugin and it was ok at first. then I read that I could put it elsewhere (not just under the categories on the front page) when I went to do this I must have screwed something up so I tried going back to the original setup.

    I have since deactivated the plugin, and removed the file. I started anew and reactivated the plugin. now I see 4 items from the wishlist insead of just one. take a look… http://www.muychingon.com
    I dont know where from or why its displaying multiple things. any idea?
    I’m using WP 1.5 on FedoraCore2.

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  • if you can’t figure it out, switch over to CG-Amazon and feel free to ping me at cgcode at chait dot net. CG-Amazon can handle not only Wishlists, but custom lists (now reading, etc.), favorite picks, mini-catalogs, post-inlined Amazon links or floats, and more.


    Thread Starter Oscar Gonzalez


    Thanks, I’ll give that a try since I can’t get this one to work…

    Thread Starter Oscar Gonzalez


    Thanks. I downloaded the whole pack and 1… it seemed a bit more complicated, 2… I didn’t like the license agreement. But thanks for your help anyway.

    It’s really not complicated, once installed. A simple one-line PHP call in the sidebar will retrieve data from Amazon, either direct ASIN lookups, a particular Wishlist, or a custom list like “Now Reading”. The CG-Amazon doc is pretty good at this point in terms of starter examples.

    What didn’t you like about the license agreement? That I re-tag 20% of links with my ID? Just wondering as I know tons of people very happy with the system, and realistically that’s just a ‘token’ — I don’t really see much in sales coming through on a quarterly basis, so this is a huge time-sink for me. 😉

    Let me know if I can be of help getting it installed and working. It gets addictive once you break the ice of the basic functions and start working with say CG-Inline to embed Amazon products into posts with a simple tag.


    Thread Starter Oscar Gonzalez


    Thanks sorry for the late response. I haven’t had a time to give this another try and maybe I jumped into conclusions of it being 2 difficult at first. I will re-read the steps to make it work and let you know if I need help. I guess the license thing is not a big deal.

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