• Last year I bought Modern Events calendar Pro. It looks amazing, it’s easy to use and offers allot of features. It’s worth the extra money for everything you’re getting in the pro version and it is the BEST plugin out there for bookings. I tried many, if not all. I would give it 5 stars but one essential thing is missing.

    It has no full Woocommerce Integration. What does this mean? When a customer books something from your website it wont be placed in the woocommerce cart and it wont give you the full customer information in the woocommerce section of your backend. This means an invoice is not complete and your still stuck with the horrible invoice provided with this plugin. You cant call it an invoice because allot of information is missing and even worse, you cannot personalize it (or atleast I cant as a beginner webdesigner). And the path a customer has to take to pay for their booking is to long and can be seen as untrustworthy. So if you only use it for bookings without payment options this plugin is the best! But once you want to use payment options through woocommerce (I want to use Ideal) it’s not great.

    They promised me last year to implement full woocommerce integration in the upcomming update and I know I’m not the only one who needs this. But it’s still not there. I’m still hoping this will be implemented soon because I still can’t use my plugin atm.

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  • Plugin Contributor webnus


    Hello @sepheris,
    Thank you for your interest. We have WooCommerce compatibily in our plan and we will add it as soon as possible.

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