• Resolved jmfcodes


    Mouseover behaviors are an anti-accessibility feature. Being expected to pay for accessibility features is not cool.

    Accessibility should be the default, and ask users to pay to add animation, not to take it away.

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  • Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Hey jmfcodes,

    We can certainly help with any concerns! I guess I’m not sure what you mean here exactly though. We have a a hover effect that adds a slight amount of opacity when hovering over images. Is that what you’re referring to?

    – Craig

    Thread Starter jmfcodes



    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    Sounds good. Would it work if I gave you some custom code to prevent the adding of the opacity? We are always trying to improve the accessibility of the plugin. Do you have any suggestions on an alternative or what might make this effect more accessible?



    Thread Starter jmfcodes


    That would be great for me, and I would appreciate it.

    The best option is to make animations opt-in, not opt out, and the animations shouldn’t obstruct the content. (Example: a user with low dexterity and low vision accidentally mouses over an image while trying to get a better look, so now they can’t see the image. Example 2: a low-vision user using a magnifier mouses over an image and now can’t see it.)

    If you really want a mouseover action for everyone, I would like to see something less invasive that also accentuates the hovered image, like a solid border (with a customizable color or style as premium features?).

    Plugin Author Craig at Smash Balloon


    We are discussing this issue internally as far as the possibility of adding some other animations. In the meantime, try adding this to the “Custom CSS” area to cancel the opacity on hover:

    #sb_instagram .sbi_photo {
        opacity: 1 !important;

    I hope you have a good start to your week!

    – Craig

    Thread Starter jmfcodes


    thank you. I do hope you’ll reconsider the default animation, but appreciate the workaround.

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