• Resolved dk9


    Hello! Great plugin man, so useful. But unfortunately I can’t use it…
    My website is white, and the plugin creates thumbnails with black background regardless to my choices of colors in the settings page.
    I also ticket “take from picture” but nothing has changed, it is still black.
    Any ideas?

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  • Plugin Author ilmdesigns


    Go to settings and choose white background. I didn’t add default, so it is getting black as default.


    Thread Starter dk9


    Thanks for your quick reply. I have set the background setting to different colors, but it still stays black. I’ve clicked save and everything seems correct, only the color doesn’t change.
    Could it be incompatible to WordPress 4.9?


    Same problem. Black background.

    Excellent app!


    I am having the same problem.

    I have tried setting the colour to many others and it is not working.

    I would actually like to use the option to get the colour from the image but that isn’t working either.

    One other thing…it might make the plugin easier to set the colour if you can add the ability to enter the hex value for the colour.

    Please help!

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