• Resolved dgs_blogger



    Thanks for the great theme. Love the color scheme that comes with it.

    Everything seems to work well. The only issue I have is that on the front page (from a desktop, not mobile), the blog entries are inconsistent from row to row. The first row will have 2 posts, the second row will only have 1, then back and forth. I want to fill up the rows so that there are two posts on each row. Can you help me tweak that?

    Here’s a link to my web site so you can see what I mean:



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  • Theme Author Takimi Themes


    Dear dgs_blogger

    This is a small bug and has to do with the height of each post. We will update this theme in 5-6 days and will solve this issue with equal height columns.

    Thread Starter dgs_blogger


    Perfect, thanks. Looking forward to the update.


    Theme Author Takimi Themes


    In a few days a new update will be uploaded.

    Thread Starter dgs_blogger



    Do you know when your new update will be available? I would really like to fix this issue. If not soon, is there anything I can do in the meantime?



    Theme Author Takimi Themes


    We will send the update tonight at the WordPress.org and maybe in 2-3 days the new update will be live.

    We are going to use the matchHeight.js library to make all the posts in every row to have the same height.

    Thread Starter dgs_blogger


    Hi Takimi,

    I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but I don’t see the update yet. Either through my WordPress admin page, or this page. Is it possible to get a direct link to the download?



    is update available or what changes have to be done to remove the gap between post…

    Theme Author Takimi Themes


    Dear Vicky it took long to update the theme,however at the moment we are at the update queue.

    till when will the same update…

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