• Resolved doni3232


    Already had the second project where all pages were missing after the import.
    This time the contact forms (Contact Form 7) were also missing.
    There were no error messages.

    Just for info:
    I’m exporting from a system running PHP 7.4.x and importing locally using Xampp and PHP 8.1.x.
    However, this works for almost all projects, only two projects had errors and I had to use another backup tool (“all-in-one-wp-migration”).

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  • Plugin Author iClyde


    Hi @doni3232

    I already replied to your previous support topic, but it would be good if you could generate debug code for me from that website: https://prnt.sc/lKbjrSAqQudm

    That will allow me to see more details on the process and what could go wrong.
    Nevertheless as this time you mentioned plugin, it may be related to settings used to create the backup (exclusion rules), these details won’t be included in debug code, but you should be able to download them from backup(s) list.

    Thank you!

    Plugin Author iClyde


    As we didn’t hear any reply in last days.
    I can assume that you resolved the issue.

    Feel free to open new topic if I am wrong!
    Thank you 🙂

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