• Resolved Guido



    After activating plugin I’m redirected to page wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/google/start

    At this page I get notification “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”

    But I cannot navigate to other wp-admin pages, it redirects me to link above.

    Strangely my store is connected in Merchant, all products are listed there.

    So how can I fix this?


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  • Plugin Support hrn1995 (woo-hc)


    Hi Guido,

    Just to confirm, you are not able to access the dashboard when going to your dashboard (yourdomain.com/wp-admin, because it redirects to wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-admin&path=/google/start, is this correct?

    First, if you have another admin you can use, can you also please try with that account?

    If none, we’d appreciate it if you could yourdomain.com/wp-admin/plugins.php and see if you can deactivate the plugin there. If it’s not accessible, kindly share a screenshot of the page or error when you go to these pages. You may use https://snipboard.io when sharing screenshots. Please follow the instructions on the page, then paste the URL in your reply.

    Looking forward to your response!

    Thread Starter Guido


    Hi Darla,

    because it redirects to

    Unfortunately it still redirects when going to the link you’ve provided. I don’t have access to anything in wp-admin.

    Another user with role editor has the same issue.

    I have deactivated plugin via FTP. But after activating it again via dashboard, same redirect with the same notification.


    Thread Starter Guido


    Found it!

    I have added some custom functions to disable certain features, such as marketing, analytics, reports and addons. This causes a conflict with your plugin.


    Mirko P.


    Hi @guido07111975 👋

    Unfortunately it still redirects when going to the link you’re provided. I don’t have access to anything in wp-admin.

    I can’t reproduce the issue on my test site. Here’s what happens after activating Google Listings & Ads.

    Direct link: https://i.vgy.me/HoDYgb.gif

    Are you able to do a thorough conflict test? A more detailed description of how to conduct a conflict test may be found here:


    If you’ve gone through these steps and are still experiencing issues, we’d be more than happy to take a closer look. Please provide us with:

    1. Your site’s system status – You can find it via WooCommerce > Status. Select “Get system report” and then “Copy for support”. Once you’ve done that, you can paste it into your reply.
    2. Share a copy of any fatal error log found under WooCommerce > Status > Logs (if available).

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter Guido


    Hi Mirko,

    I think you’ve missed my last reply, here. Guess it’s caused because I had disabled the marketing feature.


    Mirko P.


    Hello there

    Thank you for the update that was sent over here while I was composing my response.

    I’m closing the thread because it looked to be the result of a conflict that has already been addressed. If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please start a new topic.


    Thread Starter Guido


    Thank you both for your quick replies.


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