• Resolved cactiarchive



    whenever I enable the “fixed” option on AdSense ads they disappear. Though other elements such as recent posts work completely fine. I have temporarily disabled the plugin so my sidebar ads can keep running.

    Do you have any idea what’s causing this and how to resolve it? Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hey cactiarchive,

    thanks for reaching out.

    Does it work with fixed-sizes AdSense ads, e.g., 300×250?


    Thread Starter cactiarchive


    Unfortunately, it didn’t work.

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hey @cactiarchive, thanks for your feedback.

    I set up a test site with the Astra theme and a fixed-sizes AdSense ad unit, but still couldn’t reproduce your issue.
    I used a Custom HTML block in the widget with the code. It does not respect the Fixed widget option, but still, the AdSense ad showed up correctly.
    The block is fixed correctly when using the Advanced Ads block in the sidebar.

    How did you try to fix the widget? Did you maybe use the Custom Element option in the FW options?


    Thread Starter cactiarchive


    I also used a Custom HTML block to input my ads in the sidebar. I have not used the Custom Element option in FW. When I input “#secondary” into the field, all the ads on the sidebar disappeared.

    When you said, “It does not respect the Fixed widget option, but still, the AdSense ad showed up correctly.” do you mean the Adsense ad didn’t become fixed?|

    Is there anything else I can do?

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Hey cactiarchive,

    > When I input “#secondary” into the field, all the ads on the sidebar disappeared.

    That is the complete sidebar. Try #block-71 for the AdSense block. Please don’t forget to disable the explicit “Fixed Widget” option for the widget before.

    > When you said, “It does not respect the Fixed widget option, but still, the AdSense ad showed up correctly.” do you mean the Adsense ad didn’t become fixed?|

    Sorry for the confusion.

    The “Custom HTML” block in the widget editor shows the “Fixed Widget” options, but they are not working, even when you enable them. That editor is still something we haven’t fully figured out. Anyway, I expected that you enabled that option and then the widget disappeared. I could not reproduce such behavior.

    Maybe, you used the wrong selector in the “Custom Elements” setting in the first place and my suggestion above is already the solution.


    Thread Starter cactiarchive


    It worked! Thank you so much, Thomas. I couldn’t be more grateful. The support you give people for this plugin is incredible. I’ve already left a 5-star review. Again, thank you!

    Plugin Author Thomas Maier


    Perfect. Thanks for your kind feedback.
    All the best to you and your project!


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