• Resolved Jan444


    Thanks for your fantastic plugin.

    We have a problem that already was treated in this forum – but we cannot find the same settings since the plugin’s versions evolved.

    The case is that we are using WP Frontend Admin plugin to show up admin pages on a frontend context.

    We have been able to add the PDF button there, but once clicked, the PDF just shows the typical WP Login screen.

    In the other thread, you say this:


    Tip for clients – the issue was resolved by using these plugin settings:
    Mode tab:
    Conversion Mode – URL
    Auto Use Cookies – check

    General Options tab:
    Disable JavaScript – uncheck
    JavaScript Delay – 2000ms`

    However the Auto use Cookies settings is not there anymore.

    Do you have any tip so we can fix the issue? Thanks!

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 1 week ago by Jan444.
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