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  • Hi @neschner

    Enabling the Security Digest email is an option. The disadvantage is that other emails also won’t get sent.

    It’s probably better to check in the Logs page what type of brute force attacks (usually login page or xmlrpc) is generating the “admin” invalid login attempts.

    Then configure/enable plugin features that prevent that type of brute force attacks.

    +++++ To prevent any confusion, I’m not iThemes +++++

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by nlpro.
    Thread Starter neschner


    How should a admin login be prevented? I already have checked that “admin” logins are automaticly host banned. Thats the reason the email gets generated.

    This is my log of the “admin” login. What could be done to prevent this to not get 20 mails everyday?

    id               => 85423
    module           => brute_force
    type             => notice
    code             => auto-ban-admin-username
    timestamp        => 2021-08-16 05:27:39
    init_timestamp   => 2021-08-16 05:27:38
    remote_ip        =>
    user_id          => [empty string]
    url              => 
    memory_current   => 78468880
    memory_peak      => 79869296
    data             => Array
        details    => Array
            source                 => wp-login.php
            authentication_types   => Array
                0   => username_and_password
        user       => Object WP_Error
            errors       => Array
                invalid_username   => Array
                    0   => Unbekannter Benutzername. Überprüfe ihn noch einmal oder versuche es mit deiner E-Mail-Adresse.
            error_data   => Array()
        username   => admin
        SERVER     => Array
            REQUEST_METHOD         => POST
            SERVER_PROTOCOL        => HTTP/1.1
            SCRIPT_FILENAME        => /home/www/wordpress/wp-login.php
            REQUEST_SCHEME         => https
            HTTP_CONNECTION        => close
            HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING   => gzip
            CONTENT_TYPE           => application/x-www-form-urlencoded
            CONTENT_LENGTH         => 98
            HTTP_USER_AGENT        => Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36
            HTTP_HOST              => 
            HTTP_AUTHORIZATION     => [empty string]
            HTTPS                  => on
            REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT     => [double] 1629091658.1929
            REQUEST_TIME           => [integer] 1629091658

    Below the part that tells you that the (admin) brute force attempt seems to be done through the login page:

    source => wp-login.php

    So enabling the iTSec plugin Hide Backend feature (if not already) could help prevent the login attempts. It depends a bit on whether you have a WordPress Dashboard login link on your home page or not. If so there is no point in enabling the Hide Backend feature;-)

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