• Resolved Bhaktii Rajdev


    Hello Happy Forms Team,

    I am trying to configure Address field in one of my client’s website. I have added API KEY with both the API’s enabled – Places and GeoLocation. Yet my field is not working as expected.

    When i click on Get my Location – text changes to Fetching Location but nothing happens. where the functionality I understand is – it will get my current location.

    Also when i type in the address no autocomplete box appears beneath it. Am i understanding something wrong? Please guide me.


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey there, @bhaktirajdev!

    Get my location now works only on sites under SSL – in other words, you’ll need to setup a certificate for this feature to work. We can’t really do much about this: that’s now a requirement imposed by your browser security policy.

    Address suggestions work for me instead (provided you didn’t click Get my location first). Could you check what happens if you do the same?

    Let us know your discoveries!

    Thread Starter Bhaktii Rajdev



    The issue was resolved on using SSL.

    Also, suggestions worked as you mentioned – without clicking Get my location. Thanks for the help. 🙂

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